Monday, December 20, 2010

New Project

Everything in life happens for a reason. It's trite, but true. A friendship from the 7th grade led me to the new project I've alluded to and I couldn't be more grateful. At a time in my life when work has been stressful and looking for a new job has yielded no results, because on paper I look like a glorified secretary, I needed a way to relight my spark.

Enter: Moxy Magazine.

From a quick e-mail intro to my awesome publisher, to a dinner meeting in the city, I am now a contributing writer and board member on the project. I'm also hoping to improve upon my editing skills and get some real experience under my belt in that category (outside of grad school workshops).

This month I contributed 2 articles, which are also 2 columns I came up with the idea to include, a "How to" column and a "Top 10."

I have been writing Top 10 lists since High School, it was a fun way to get a laugh out of my friend Joanne and it turned out to be something I had a knack for and really enjoyed, and now I've turned that writing into something fit for a wider audience. I hope you enjoy it.

This blog will still focus on shopping and whatnot, but we all have different sides to us and it's a great feeling to find an outlet for a part of me that had been fading away a bit. It's back now though, in full effect.

1 comment:

  1. Love this!!! and love the moxy pieces... so glad you guys are working together!
