Monday, March 1, 2010

Case of the Mondays

Office Space is a great movie, choc full of quotable lines, and every Monday I'm reminded of this as someone on Facebook inevitably sites "a case of the Mondays" in their status. Seeing as how it's become quite trite, I refrained from making it my status today, but I do indeed have a bit of a case.

Today is a day that I will look on Craigslist and Mediabistro and Indeed and whatever other job search websites I think of to look at job postings. As I read each post I will imagine myself in business attire, take the train into work each day, grabbing cocktails at happy hour. I may apply, or I may just print out the description only to throw it in my trash can at home when I clean out my bag next week, but I'm looking.

Last week I applied to an amazing position at a wedding website, which I truly believe I'd be perfect for, but to no avail. The background info I looked up on the company will now just be mentally filed away in my random wedding industry knowledge folder and the excitement I felt will slowly fade into disappointment.

Hopefully this week will bring the promise of a better job search, a position that I'm even more excited and hopeful about, not to mention qualified for, that pays well and is located somewhere convenient. That's not too much to ask, right?

If that doesn't work out, I'll just take a pony. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. "Office Space is a great movie, choc full of quotable lines, and every Monday I'm reminded of this as someone on Facebook inevitably sites "a case of the Mondays" in their status."

    hahaha OMG, yes! Seriously... is everyone that miserable or is the movie just that worthy?
